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Best Paper Runner-Up

This is Heba Aly and me with our award for "On the Value of Spatiotemporal Information: Principles and Scenarios" with coauthors Gireeja Ranade and Eric Horvitz at the 2018 ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference.

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Bio-Navigation  Symposium Invited Talk

I gave an invited talk in Kyoto, Japan for the Symposium on Systems Science of Bio-Navigation in September of 2018. I talked about misconceptions that people have regarding their location behavior. Can you find me in the picture? (Hint: front row.)

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Ford AI Keynote

I gave a keynote talk at Ford's internal AI conference in June 2018. I explained our recent work on traffic modeling with a Markov random field, computing the value of GPS data, and finding safer driving routes.

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10-Year Impact Award

I got a 10-Year Impact Award at the 2017 UbiComp Conference for a research paper I wrote in 2007 on location privacy called "Inference Attacks on Location Tracks".

UbiComp 10-Year Impact Award 2017 - John
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